July 19, 1990 These Zip-files, KER301EX.ZIP, KER301DO.ZIP, and KER301UT.ZIP, contain version 3.01 of Kermit for IBM-compatible MS-DOS computers. KER301EX.ZIP has the files that are actually needed to run Kermit 3.01 and the basic documentation for this version. KER301DO.ZIP contains more detailed documentation, and KER301UT.ZIP has many utilities, demos, and sample initialization and script files. I obtained the files enZipped here from watsun.cc.columbia.edu [], the official Kermit distribution node, directories /kermit/a and /kermit/bin, via anonymous-FTP on a VAX (running VMS), then downloaded them to my Compaq Deskpro 286 with Kermit 2.30. (I used Kermit's 3-byte CRCs and where appropriate binary-mode FTP and Kermit's eigth-bit quoting.) I have fixed the dates and times (using Picnix's touch program) to match those on Watsun and renamed many of the files to agree with their documentation or source code; the Watsun names, if different, are in the file comments. (Note that some of the documentation files, such as msauti.dsk, use the Watsun names.) These files are the latest versions available from Watsun as of July 16, 1990. Most of the files mentioned in the documentation are included. I did not include the source code for Kermit itself (which is very large and in many files), Postscript or Scribe versions of the documentation (also very large), ".BOO" hex-encoded files (executables for some utilities are only available this way) or the encoding and decoding programs, or versions for IBM-incompatible MS-DOS machines (there are many, all very large). Also missing are some sample initialization files that appeared to only be useful for old versions (msirb2.ini, msiwp.ini), a few documentation files that were completely included in others (mswindow.hlp, msiibm.hlp), and a German translation (mskger.hlp) of the command summary (mskerm.hlp) which is rather large and does not appear to have any special characters (use german.txt for experimenting with character translation, code pages, and the like). All of these are available from Watsun for those who are interested; see msaaaa.hlp. I have tried running all the .EXE and MS-DOS .COM files, and they all at least run, EXCEPT for EP437.EXE which locks up my keyboard (probably because I have MS-DOS 3.2, which doesn't use code pages). Of course, I take no more responsiblity than Columbia does, which is to say, none at all. (See read.me and mskerm.hlp for these and other legalities.) Jeff Guerber Internet: xrjrg@lepvax.gsfc.nasa.gov SPAN: lepvax::xrjrg ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PKZIP (tm) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 1.02 10-01-89 Copyright 1989 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help Searching ZIP: KER301EX.ZIP - MS-DOS Kermit 3.01 -- executables etc Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- 132544 Implode 74561 44% 03-21-90 16:16 6be1f30a --w KERMIT.EXE Comment: (msvibm.exe) MS-DOS Kermit 3.01 4972 Implode 2413 52% 03-21-90 16:41 af7ce844 --w MSKERMIT.INI Comment: Initialization file 160 Shrunk 147 9% 01-24-90 17:54 803e11fa --w COLS132.BAT Comment: (msdc13.bat) Called to switch to 132 columns 159 Shrunk 144 10% 01-24-90 17:54 a19f9445 --w COLS80.BAT Comment: (msdc80.bat) Called to switch to 80 columns 41403 Implode 17663 58% 07-13-90 21:56 e07bd30d --w MSKERM.BWR Comment: "Beware" file -- Kermit's bugs and limitations 1901 Implode 1159 40% 04-26-90 03:17 e464679c --w MSKERMIT.PCH Comment: (msr301.pch) Run-time patches 4045 Implode 1977 52% 05-18-90 14:44 7bcaf2a0 --w MSKPATCH.HLP Comment: Using the run-time patches 35337 Implode 13863 61% 03-20-90 00:24 4f57485a --w MSKERM.HLP Comment: Command/function summary 369 Implode 96 74% 03-21-90 16:41 a113127d --w KERMIT.PIF Comment: (msvibm.pif) .PIF for use with MS-Windows 5569 Implode 2967 47% 03-08-90 01:44 25986662 --w MSVIBM.PIF Comment: Info on using Kermit under MS-Windows 20172 Implode 8595 58% 03-22-90 17:34 226c85d6 --w MSR300.UPD Comment: New features, v.3.00 11757 Implode 5108 57% 03-21-90 16:38 5a8cae2c --w MSR301.UPD Comment: New features, v.3.01 8908 Implode 3597 60% 03-21-90 16:42 7fb9cd54 --w READ.ME Comment: (msvibm.dsk) Short descriptions of the files 5514 Implode 2592 53% 06-20-90 02:13 1ae81b7a --w MSAUTI.DSK Comment: Short descriptions of more files ------ ------ --- ------- 272810 134882 51% 14 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PKZIP (tm) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 1.02 10-01-89 Copyright 1989 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help Searching ZIP: KER301DO.ZIP - MS-DOS Kermit 3.01 -- documentation Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- 137205 Implode 53377 62% 01-26-90 21:06 d7da5a58 --w MSGTIF.DOC Comment: TIFF 5.0 339269 Implode 127555 63% 03-28-89 00:00 12e32c4c --w MSKERM.DOC Comment: User Guide, v. 2.32/A 34731 Implode 13279 62% 01-22-90 00:19 da40027c --w MSVIBM.TEK Comment: Tektronix emulation 39740 Implode 14877 63% 01-18-90 23:08 5269c0ce --w MSVIBM.VT Comment: VT-320 emulation 9045 Implode 3955 57% 05-09-90 15:57 e8d12874 --w MSAAAA.HLP Comment: MS-Kermit files at Columbia Univ. (watsun.cc.columbia.edu) 664 Implode 473 29% 01-18-90 23:07 b2486271 --w MSKAAA.HLP Comment: very short desciptions of some documentation files 35461 Implode 14540 59% 05-21-90 14:21 7d87232f --w MSKERM.ANN Comment: Announcements of MS-Kermit 3.00, 3.01 31009 Implode 9600 70% 06-20-90 00:08 94494767 --w MSIIBM.TUT Comment: Tutorial on scripts and initialization files 13455 Implode 4644 66% 02-01-89 00:00 465a56e3 --w MSVIBM.KEY Comment: List of keyboard scan codes ------ ------ --- ------- 640579 242300 63% 9 ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- PKZIP (tm) FAST! Create/Update Utility Version 1.02 10-01-89 Copyright 1989 PKWARE Inc. All Rights Reserved. PKZIP/h for help Searching ZIP: KER301UT.ZIP - MS-KERMIT 3.01 Utilities, Demos, and Examples Length Method Size Ratio Date Time CRC-32 Attr Name ------ ------ ----- ----- ---- ---- ------ ---- ---- 6583 Implode 2709 59% 07-16-88 00:00 84e83766 --w XSEND.C Comment: (msixse.c) Send directory trees 8335 Implode 5458 35% 07-24-88 00:00 4f0e6ca4 --w XSEND.EXE Comment: (msixse.exe) Send directory trees 1279 Implode 826 36% 07-16-88 00:00 5da59405 --w XSEND.HLP Comment: (msixse.hlp) Send directory trees 9873 Implode 6511 35% 01-24-90 22:27 e4b84ca1 --w SCANCHEK.EXE Comment: (msuchk.exe) Keyboard scan codes 19175 Implode 6427 67% 02-01-89 00:00 3b5f1e38 --w SCANCHEK.C Comment: (msuchk.c) Keyboard scan codes 3007 Implode 1623 47% 02-02-89 00:00 bc348c87 --w SCANCHEK.HLP Comment: (msuchk.hlp) Keyboard scan codes 10683 Implode 3720 66% 01-18-90 23:07 e5d7b8bc --w EP437.C Comment: (mspep4.c) Code page 437 to Epson printers 11205 Implode 7232 36% 01-18-90 23:08 a56a6ace --w EP437.EXE Comment: (mspep4.exe) Code page 437 to Epson printers 1680 Implode 840 50% 01-18-90 23:07 51ed7d3d --w EP437.HLP Comment: (mspep4.hlp) Code page 437 to Epson printers 18845 Implode 5180 73% 01-18-90 23:07 b4f24938 --w EPSON.ASM Comment: (mspeps.asm) EGA graphics on Epson FX/RXs 2222 Implode 1100 51% 01-18-90 23:08 b726e8b0 --w EPSON.COM Comment: (mspeps.com) EGA graphics on Epson FX/RXs 3112 Implode 1731 45% 01-18-90 23:07 3a76d31d --w EPSON.HLP Comment: (mspeps.hlp) EGA graphics on Epson FX/RXs 10587 Implode 3575 67% 01-18-90 23:08 3eae336d --w LK250.ASM Comment: (msulk2.asm) Driver for DEC LK250 keyboard 454 Implode 448 2% 01-18-90 23:08 3e181bbc --w LK250.COM Comment: (msulk2.com) Driver for DEC LK250 keyboard 4271 Implode 2090 52% 01-18-90 23:08 1a1a3b87 --w LK250.HLP Comment: (msulk2.hlp) Driver for DEC LK250 keyboard 2345 Implode 1283 46% 03-08-90 01:34 e464a981 --w PCPRINT.NR Comment: (mspupc.nr) Local print, Unix man page 1093 Implode 652 41% 01-18-90 23:07 1cd2e49d --w PCPRINT.SH Comment: (mspupc.sh) Local print, Unix shell script 1203 Implode 686 43% 03-07-90 18:08 599a43e7 --w PCPRINT.COM Comment: (mspvpc.com) Local print, VMS command file 10912 Implode 4289 61% 05-09-90 17:52 cb49d714 --w LASER.C Comment: (msphpl.c) EGA/VGA graphics on HP Laser printers 10048 Implode 5692 44% 05-09-90 20:12 1c8e68cd --w LASER.EXE Comment: (msphpl.exe) EGA/VGA graphics on HP Laser printers 1503 Implode 875 42% 05-07-90 22:35 39cd55fe --w MSDLAT.C Comment: (mselat.c) Unix filter to display 8-bit ISO Latin1 files 5322 Implode 2468 54% 04-19-89 00:00 6c63d461 --w MSPPCP.C Comment: C version of Unix PCPRINT 3068 Implode 1580 49% 04-19-89 00:00 c5bd24e4 --w MSPPCP.NR Comment: Unix man page for MSPPCP.C 1261 Implode 785 38% 03-07-90 22:58 8ec3e903 --w DEMO.HLP Comment: (msdaaa.hlp) About the demos 4998 Implode 2793 45% 01-24-90 17:54 e4f65676 --w CASTLE.HGR Comment: (msdcas.hgr) Demo 7151 Implode 3204 56% 01-24-90 17:54 3ae263ab --w CHARDEMO.VT Comment: (msdcha.vt) Demo 2530 Implode 632 76% 01-24-90 17:54 06acf1e7 --w COLORS.VT Comment: (msdcol.vt) Demo 5141 Implode 667 88% 01-24-90 17:54 da1cb605 --w DEMO.TEK Comment: (msdemo.tek) Demo 3190 Implode 1413 56% 01-24-90 17:54 9dc7f167 --w FEATURES.VT Comment: (msdfea.vt) Demo 4154 Implode 2141 49% 01-24-90 17:54 45bb14ea --w GERMAN.TXT Comment: (msdger.txt) Demo 7452 Implode 3899 48% 01-24-90 17:54 e1db68fe --w PATTERN.HGR Comment: (msdpat.hgr) Demo 5946 Implode 5311 11% 01-24-90 17:54 5ca1be98 --w USA.TEK Comment: (msdusa.tek) Demo 2023 Implode 1161 43% 02-10-90 16:19 a2b14de0 --w HAYES.TAK Comment: (msihay.tak) Kermit script to dial a Hayes modem 31072 Implode 9554 70% 01-18-90 23:07 db90c4e2 --w WP30.INI Comment: (msiwp3.ini) MS-Kermit .ini for mainframe WordPerfect 15357 Implode 6744 57% 03-08-90 01:02 d1fd4225 --w MSVIBM.TC Comment: Unix termcaps for VT300's 3870 Implode 1399 64% 09-30-88 00:00 b09d1e18 --w MSIEMA.INI Comment: Maps keyboard for EMACS 1274 Implode 923 28% 09-30-88 00:00 75c277e9 --w MSIEMA.HLP Comment: Comments on MSIEMA.INI 4343 Implode 1566 64% 06-15-89 00:00 fe2b10ec --w MSIEM2.INI Comment: Another Kermit .ini for EMACS 3605 Implode 2026 44% 03-08-90 17:12 12510090 --w LASER.HLP Comment: (mspaaa.hlp) About LASER.C, LASER.EXE, and EPSON24.C 6477 Implode 2943 55% 12-21-88 00:00 dd5c788e --w MSIIBM.INI Comment: Columbia's .INI file 4719 Implode 2220 53% 12-21-88 00:00 8e2b7570 --w MSIIBM.DOC Comment: Documentation for MSIIBM.INI 2881 Implode 1200 59% 06-20-90 00:31 b929ba7b --w 7171.DOC Comment: (msipfk.doc) For IBM 7171 protocol converters 6734 Implode 2414 65% 06-20-90 00:31 c74f74d8 --w 7171.INI Comment: (msipfk.ini) For IBM 7171 protocol converters 3341 Implode 1606 52% 06-20-90 00:26 22e38609 --w MSIAAA.HLP Comment: Descriptions of the sample .INI files 3893 Implode 1662 58% 06-20-90 00:03 4e3ad903 --w MSIVT2.INI Comment: VT-200 keyboard setup, for VMS/TPU and German 23948 Implode 8192 66% 03-08-90 01:11 f32b34dd --w MSIVT3.INI Comment: VT-300 keyboard setups 3197 Implode 1502 54% 06-11-90 16:14 a4836952 --w PCWP.COM Comment: (msiwp3.com) VMS command file for WordPerfect, w/WP30.INI 7583 Implode 2689 65% 10-03-90 16:11 326b5035 --w CRISP.INI Comment: (msicsp.ini) Use Kermit with Crisp, whatever that is 15101 Implode 4740 69% 06-20-90 00:51 494793a7 --w DMP200.ASM Comment: (mspdmp.asm) EGA/VGA graphics on Radio Shack DMP200 printer 10102 Implode 4628 55% 12-07-88 00:00 01f71c19 --w EASYK.HLP Comment: (msieas.hlp) About EasyK, a Kermit shell 12582 Implode 4793 62% 06-23-90 15:45 0fe7f4c9 --w EPSON24.C Comment: (mspe24.c) EGA/VGA graphics on Epson LQ-2500 printers 3076 Implode 1666 46% 02-28-89 00:00 0442d22c --w CALLHOST.SCR Comment: (msilog.scr) A logging package 2101 Implode 920 57% 08-16-88 00:00 18927dcb --w MSIRB1.INI Comment: SET KEYs for DEC Rainbow 100 ------ ------ --- ------- 355907 152388 58% 53